Here are presentations I've made. They're silly, that's the point.
I'll note in the intro/description of each presentation whether you should pull up the speaker notes so that you have the "script" for the presentation.
If you need the speaker notes: click on the three vertical dots > select "Open speaker notes" (the top option on the list) to pull up a separate window that will show you the Slides speaker notes window. I'm working on a better way of tying the presentation scripts to the slides, but this'll be the work-around for now.
Yeah, I've read Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. It's not good, and there are better characters to learn from.
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I sent this to (too many) friends when the first Sonic the Hedgehog 3 trailer came out. One of them said, "you're not well and you've never been well." Well joke's on her, it's a perfect movie, I don't need to be "okay".
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Sometimes you read a book so bad, you just HAVE to make a presentatino about it.
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A presentation about Chuck Tingle's "Oh By Gosh By Golly It's Time for Mistletoe and Holly Get to Me Off Bisexually"
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